

Online training is the preferred option for individuals wishing to study at their own pace and for companies looking for a cost-effective and flexible training format.

Milestone Training & Coaching has carefully designed courses to bring you the assurance of high-quality interactive learning packages from the convenience of your home or office.



Milestone Training and Coaching - online life coaching

Confidence and self-belief are skills that can be learned at any age, it is absolutely never too late. Gaining powerful psychological strategies and techniques will enable you to believe in yourself, step into situations with confidence and not allow fear and self-doubt to hold you back.

This advanced 8-module course will teach you how to cope with life’s issues confidently and give you coping strategies, and resilience. Each module covers different tools and strategies that you can use in life on an ongoing basis in order to grow your inner confidence and self-belief.

Imagine seeing yourself at ease in your own skin, interacting with confidence with peers, trying new activities, talking to new people, and embracing all opportunities that come your way with total confidence. What kind of difference would this make to your life, relationships, career, and happiness now and in the future?

This is an in-depth downloadable program, suitable for ages 12 years to retirement, covering topics and teaching tools, techniques, and strategies, via practical activities and tasks, science and research, examples, and real-life personal stories of many anonymous client experiences.

It is packed with practical steps to take, activities to do, tools to practice, and many other approaches. It is ideal for those who feel a little anxious about working with strangers on Zoom in an interactive Program, or for those who have many commitments and prefer to dip in and out of the program when their diary permits.

Time Management for Busy People

This course is crucial for anyone who feels they need to prioritise, respond to changing priorities, react assertively when others place demands on their time, work to deadlines on a regular basis, have a constant schedule that keeps them under pressure, work smarter, and more productively, improve efficiency and output, or for those who want to improve their work/life balance.


Milestone Coaching and Training - Dawn Fiske

All people experience stress from time to time. However, excessive or chronic stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Excessive stress occurs when you perceive that you do not have the resources to cope with the demands in your life. Learning skills to manage your stress more effectively can be enormously beneficial when you are feeling overwhelmed. The aim of this course, therefore, is to teach you many techniques and skills to manage your stress and minimise that feeling of overwhelm. You will have the resources to not only cope well with the demands in your life but absolutely thrive!