Confidence & Life Skills Course For Teenagers on Zoom

Confidence & Life Skills Course For Teenagers on Zoom


This is a practical 7-week program that provides teenagers with life skills and confidence to help them navigate their way through life with resilience and ease.

Confidence and self-belief are skills that can be learned at any age, in fact, the earlier the better because patterns established in childhood and adolescence can often last a lifetime. Gaining powerful psychological strategies and techniques will enable teenagers to believe in themselves, step into situations with confidence, and not allow fear and self-doubt to hold them back.

This 7-week program held online via Zoom is suitable for teenagers from 12-18 years and will teach them how to cope with life’s issues confidently, giving them coping strategies, and resilience that will help them with the challenges of both adolescence and adulthood.

Each week, we will cover many different strategies that teenage participants can use in life on an ongoing basis to grow their inner confidence and self-worth.

Imagine seeing your teenager at ease in their skin, interacting with confidence with both peers and adults alike, trying new activities, talking to new people, coping with exam pressure, and embracing any opportunities that come their way with total confidence. What kind of difference could this make to your teenager's life, now and in the future?

Topics include, amongst other things:

Week 1 - The Impact Of Our Mind Over Our Feelings

Week 2 - Overcoming Self-Doubt & Social Anxiety

Week 3 - Strategies For Building Inner Resilience and Techniques To Stop Worrying About What Others Might Think About Us.

Week 4 - Growth, Comfort Zones & Toxic Beliefs

Week 5 - Putting An End To Victim Mentality

Week 6 - Confident Body Language & Communication Skills

Week 7 - Fine Tuning and Action Planning For A Confident Future

Location: An interactive 7-week program in the comfort of your own home via Zoom. Suitable for 12+ years of age (depending on their maturity) and willingness to take part, share, and get involved a little.

Date: Commences Monday 10th June, at 7 pm (BST) and runs for 7 consecutive Monday evenings.

Cost: £85 per person (equates to less than £12 per class!)

Time: 19:00 - 20:00 hrs (GMT)

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Life Skills & Confidence Coaching

Group Confidence Coaching Workshop Sessions on Zoom. Small, friendly, and safe coaching/learning program with Confidence Coach, Dawn Fiske. A 7-week program covering many practical strategies, tips, and techniques that help to develop and grow inner confidence and self-esteem, and overcome self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, resulting in greater happiness, more success, and a much more optimistic future.