All in Goal setting

The Most Important Room In Our Home, Is The Room For Improvement!

A growth mindset is one of the best things you can focus on in your personal development. It will make you happier, more successful, more open to change, and much more likely to embrace hard work.

Those with a Growth Mindset have been found to be much more flexible, and significantly more adaptive to changed situations, and in these very changing times, the person who is the most adaptive will be the most successful! So, why wouldn’t any of us want to work on this and reap the benefits of our hard work?

In addition, a Growth Mindset will also make you aware of opportunities or possibilities you would miss if have a very Fixed Mindset. In fact, the greater the Growth Mindset, the more these opportunities become suddenly interesting because you know you can do something with them and apply them to achieving your goals - your subconscious mind will elegantly present you all kinds of opportunities you would otherwise have missed out on and you are much more likely to take action and get the results you want.

Problem-solving is also improved by fostering a Growth Mindset. Whether you believe you can find a solution, or whether you believe you can’t, you are right! So, if you maintain a Fixed Mindset and tell yourself “there is nothing I can do to solve this challenge,” then your failure is guaranteed. In contrast, a person with a developed Growth Mindset is much more likely to believe “I can find a solution to this….. I just need to explore all possible avenues.” and as a result is far more likely to accomplish exactly that.

Furthermore, with a Growth Mindset, the chance of you giving up on your efforts to pursue your goals is much less than if you have a Fixed Mindset. If you give up, you’ll never be successful. With a Growth Mindset, you will be much more successful because you continue to pursue your goals with focus, hard work, and consistency until you are successful. Quitters don’t win, and winners don’t quit.

But one important benefit, as I see it, is the fact that you will be much more open to yourself and other people if you have a Growth Mindset. You are willing to admit failures and to celebrate your successes to yourself and others because you know that this is the best way for you to learn and to improve yourself. You will learn faster from your experiences when having a Growth Mindset.

When you improve your Mindset, and constantly develop and seek improvement, you are realistic about all the obstacles you will meet on your path towards your goal. You won’t become frustrated, depressed, and lethargic at the very first obstacle. Instead, you will be optimistic about achieving your goal and struggle on until you do, making you unstoppable, successful, and much, much happier.

I passionately believe working on ourselves, constantly learning, and expanding our mind by fostering a Growth Mindset will make us more responsible for, and in control of our life. It will put an end to victim mentality and stop us from complaining and moaning about whatever happens in our life. And who wants to be a victim? I know I don’t!

Don't Fall At The First Fence

At the time of writing, we are just six days into 2020 and I wonder how you are doing with your new year resolutions so far? This year I have committed to both dry January AND Veganuary and was hugely surprised when my husband said (unprompted) that he too would try Veganuary and keep me company. What have you committed to this year? Any new habits, goals, or plans? Or are you trying to stop old habits? How is it going so far?

Sadly, though the stats don't tell a good story. Did you know that 92% of new year resolutions fail within the first two weeks! Why do so many of us fall at the first fence? Where are our resolve, commitment, and determination? Which group would you like to fall into - the successful 8%, or the 92% who give up?

My husband has already joined the 92% - having met with friends in a pub yesterday to share Sunday lunch and opting for the whitebait to start, followed by fishcakes for his main!!

I love testing and challenging myself to find out what I can and can’t achieve and I believe that small, realistic and manageable goals are one of the best ways of doing it. Whether it is just 31 days of sobriety, a couple of months to train for a Half Marathon or a month of totally different food options, we can find out what our strengths and weaknesses are, and I find that empowering, energising, fun, and interesting. I hate just plodding through life and little challenges like these make us feel alive, give us something to focus on, help us learn things about the subject matter (and ourselves), help us feel great whilst doing it (especially when we succeed) and remind us that we are alive. We can also bank our successes (however large or small), in our 'confidence bank' and draw on them in those wobbly moments of self-doubt.

So I say no more sleepwalking through life - add in some new things, challenge yourself, find out what you are made of, your strengths and weakness, and commit to flying over that first fence when it presents.

Good luck!