All in Becoming Unstuck

A simple way to move on

Often it is not the event itself that causes us such angst, anger, and upset, but rather how we respond to it; how we keep hold of it, re-live it, blow it out of proportion, and re-live it again….., and again. The mental space and energy we give to things is often completely disproportionate to the event itself and it is that which causes the huge emotional response. Let's imagine the amount of mental energy we gave was instead money - would you be spending excessive amounts of cash on those events? Is that where you would want to invest your finances, or would you rather spend on something pleasurable, fun, important, helpful and possibly life improving?

The way I, and now many of my clients, handle these events is to ‘LIMO’ them. Taken and adapted from the book, SUMO, I encourage people to just shrug their shoulders and simply “Leave It, Move On.” In other words, refuse to hang on to these things, not give them mental time and space, refuse to dwell on them and allow them to hook in, and instead just let them go. LIMO!

If you haven’t already read SUMO by Paul McGee, I would definitely recommend it. It’s full of techniques to help you move on in life, build your confidence, and feel stronger in your mind.

So, if you need a very simple approach in your life to help you let go of those annoying or upsetting events that can have a disproportionate impact on your day(s), then adopt the LIMO approach - shrug, leave it, and move on. Simple but very powerful.