All in Handling the negative

It's World Book Day - Here is My Recommendation For A Great Book

Because it's World Book Day, I thought I would share an audiobook that I have just finished.

I can't recommend Ruby Wax's No-Brainer: It's All In The Mind, enough.

It is not only packed with facts, insight, and science-based wisdom, but Ruby Wax also manages to skillfully blend her own life experiences and struggles together with her sharp wit and humour.

Not only did I learn a lot, it made me laugh-out-loud. An enjoyable and informative listen and one I would recommend whether it is World Book Day, or not!

Soar Into A Better Future

If you could soar over this difficult time to the time when it is all behind you and just a distant memory, what will you have found out about yourself? What strengths will you have found that you didn't know you had? What will you have achieved in these months that you've always wanted to achieve but didn't have the time? So far, I have cleared the garage of lots of rubbish and sold some bikes, and a rowing machine to people that really want some help with the exercise side of these months. I've power-hosed the patio, too. Today I am washing and hoovering out the car, and next week I am focussing on clearing outgrown/unused clothes from all of the wardrobes and drawers. How about you? If you would like further tips, techniques, and helpful strategies to use throughout this difficult time, or any other time in your everyday life then feel free to listen to my free "Life Coaching On The Move" podcast found on my website. Just click on the podcast button to listen and enjoy.#stayingpositive#copingstrategies#lifecoaching